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44 minutes agoLast update
44 minutes agoBank Krungsri (the second name is Bank of Ayudhya in name of the Ayutthaya Province) is a subsidiary of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, this Japanese bank owns more than 70% of the shares.
Krungsri was established in 1945, its shares were listed on the stock exchange in 1977. Currently, it is the fifth in the country in terms of lending and deposits, it provides the full range of banking services in Thailand to companies and individuals. The policy of Bank of Ayudhya shareholders is aimed at development throughout the region. The bank has branches and subsidiaries in Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.
2 trillion baht (about 60 billion US dollars) of assets and record annual profit of 23,2 billion baht, which is 8,4% more than in 2016, figures in the report for the 2017 year. In recent years, the bank has received national awards for the introduction of digital technology in the service.
Branches, exchange offices and ATMs of yellow color with three pointed peaks on the Krungsri logo can be found in all provinces. They are located in cities, in the resort area and in small settlements. A wide network is also on the popular islands of tourists - Phuket, Koh Samui.
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