BNI Indonesia



BNI Exchange rate

  • US Dollar USD: US Dollar
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  • Last update

    57 minutes ago
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    57 minutes ago
  • Euro EUR: Euro
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  • Last update

    57 minutes ago


PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is the state bank of Indonesia. It was created on July 5, 1946, a few months later it released the first official currency of the country - ORI. This day has become the National Day of Finance, which is celebrated annually.

When the law of 1992 gave the state institutions the opportunity to change the legal status, the company became a limited liability company and the name officially appeared with the letters "PT".

Today, BNI maintains a strong presence in the main foreign exchange markets. It offers an extensive range of consulting services, innovative products for corporations and private clients, ranging from foreign currencies to individual income-raising strategies. The fourth largest in terms of assets, loans, third party funds, it provides financial services that are supported by subsidiaries.


The Indonesian bank has developed a sectoral lending strategy, focusing on eight key industries, with its introduction it expects to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio with indicators of sustained financial growth in the future. Today its capitalization is 173.54 trillion Indonesian rupees (1.26 trillion US dollars).

Network in the country

At present, there are 1,752 affiliated branches and 1680 banking centers. And also more than 17 000 ATMs located throughout the state with a recognizable bright orange logo. Some of them are working specifically for the maintenance of motorists and motorcyclists. With Phone Banking you can freely manage your finances, such as payments, transfer between accounts and banks. Electronic money UnikQu is used to make payments from a smartphone using a scanning mechanism. The account for tourists is limited to a balance of at least $ 2000. You can open it by presenting your passport.


BNI head office address


    BNI Building
  • SWIFT code

  • Address

    Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 1, Jakarta 1002
  • Phone number

    (62-21) 2511946